Total:IC ~ Fruit Bowl on Sundays - FREE ENTRY

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Total:IC ~ Fruit Bowl on Sundays - FREE ENTRY

Post by UNO-Flossie[retired] » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:48 pm


FRUIT BOWL LIVES it's own forum!

Rather than trying to run detailed discussions about maps or servers in Novaworld, we have started a new thread for Fruit Bowl here. The sponsor remains the same, as do the people producing new maps and running the server, so you can expect the same quality standards as before & more. Thank you =CHI= for your financial support of Fruit Bowl.

The independent status of the sponsor & greater control of things, opens the door to expand the Fruit Bowl project into other areas. Updates on these developments will be posted elsewhere on the Total International Conflict forum as they occur.

Public servers dedicated to each Joint Op's mod are running as follows:
  • ! Fruit Bowl JO:TR ! (Typhoon Rising)
    ! Fruit Bowl JO:E ! (Escalation)
    ! Fruit Bowl TIC ! (Total:IC)
Make sure to check back, this is where you will hear it first........
TIC Campaigns - Flossie
TIC15 UNMA: Map Administrator; BB-RAO: Blue Bloods
TIC13+14 UNMA: Map Administrator
TIC12: Neutral Unit
TIC11 KLI-Maj: King's Shropshire Light Infantry; Remedial UNMA
TIC10 RD-Cpl: Red Devils
TIC9 TBH-LCpl: The Bunny Hunters
TIC8 RW-Cpl: Recon Warriors
TIC7 UNCA: Communications Administrator
TIC6 UNGS: Gaming Sherrif
TIC5 11-CSM: 11th Armor Division [Thunderbolts]
TIC4 USF-CSM: US Army Special Forces; Remedial UNMA
TIC3 SAS-CSM: Special Air Service; Remedial UNMA
TIC1+TIC2 UNLA: Logistics Administrator
IC Campaigns - Topaxci
IC33 [demobbed]
IC32 [BK]MGen: Black Katz, Command [Afghan goat herder]
IC31 [demobbed]
IC30 [NU]: Neutral Unit
IC29 [UN]LA: Logistics Administrator
IC23, IC24, IC25, IC26, IC27 & IC28 [UN]SA: Server Administrator
IC22 [NRF]2|WO: NATO Response Force, Luftwaffe
IC21 [7SF]BGen: 7th Special Forces, Command
IC20 [CF]Col: Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Air Force / Command
IC19 [SA]1|Sgt: Sons of Anarchy, Sky Hounds
IC18 [TS]5|Maj: TreadStone Mercenaries, Infantry
IC17 [MB]6|Cpt: 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion, 6th Marine Special Operations Team
IC16 [CT]G3|LtCol: 173rd Combat Team, Operations / Reservist: 1st Squadron (Air) 17th Cavalry Regiment
IC15 [WF]22|SgM: Western Federation, 22nd Airborne Infantry

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Joined:Fri May 30, 2014 11:00 pm

Re: Total:IC ~ Fruit Bowl on Sundays - FREE ENTRY

Post by UNGS-DUCK » Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:09 pm

This Sunday will be a funday in the TIC server. It will be open to the public and everyone is welcome to join. We will have fundays on Sundays, any Sunday that is not a battle day for the tournament(s).

Have fun and help spread the word.

Thank You

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Re: Total:IC ~ Fruit Bowl on Sundays - FREE ENTRY

Post by UNO-Flossie[retired] » Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:29 pm

Sunday Fundays will normally start at 10:00 Eastern US time (15:00 GMT). Hope to see you there...
TIC Campaigns - Flossie
TIC15 UNMA: Map Administrator; BB-RAO: Blue Bloods
TIC13+14 UNMA: Map Administrator
TIC12: Neutral Unit
TIC11 KLI-Maj: King's Shropshire Light Infantry; Remedial UNMA
TIC10 RD-Cpl: Red Devils
TIC9 TBH-LCpl: The Bunny Hunters
TIC8 RW-Cpl: Recon Warriors
TIC7 UNCA: Communications Administrator
TIC6 UNGS: Gaming Sherrif
TIC5 11-CSM: 11th Armor Division [Thunderbolts]
TIC4 USF-CSM: US Army Special Forces; Remedial UNMA
TIC3 SAS-CSM: Special Air Service; Remedial UNMA
TIC1+TIC2 UNLA: Logistics Administrator
IC Campaigns - Topaxci
IC33 [demobbed]
IC32 [BK]MGen: Black Katz, Command [Afghan goat herder]
IC31 [demobbed]
IC30 [NU]: Neutral Unit
IC29 [UN]LA: Logistics Administrator
IC23, IC24, IC25, IC26, IC27 & IC28 [UN]SA: Server Administrator
IC22 [NRF]2|WO: NATO Response Force, Luftwaffe
IC21 [7SF]BGen: 7th Special Forces, Command
IC20 [CF]Col: Canadian Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Air Force / Command
IC19 [SA]1|Sgt: Sons of Anarchy, Sky Hounds
IC18 [TS]5|Maj: TreadStone Mercenaries, Infantry
IC17 [MB]6|Cpt: 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion, 6th Marine Special Operations Team
IC16 [CT]G3|LtCol: 173rd Combat Team, Operations / Reservist: 1st Squadron (Air) 17th Cavalry Regiment
IC15 [WF]22|SgM: Western Federation, 22nd Airborne Infantry

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Re: Total:IC ~ Fruit Bowl on Sundays - FREE ENTRY

Post by UNGS-DUCK » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:00 pm

Today & next Sunday are fundays!

Every non battle day will be a Funday, there will be a tic mod server up & open to the public. I'm not sure what we can do within the Total=IC= community to build interest in the Fundays, but we'll come up with something.

They are good days to test maps for the upcoming campaign, but if noone shows up, we might have to rethink the Funday events. I know today is valetines day, so we'll reserve judgement about the turnout.

Always open minded so if anyone has any ideas, or wants to see something particular, please let us know.

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Re: Total:IC ~ Fruit Bowl on Sundays - FREE ENTRY

Post by UNGS-DUCK » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:28 pm

Great turnout everyone, hope we keep it up. Some great battles and it was nice to see everyone getting along. Remember Fundays are open to the public and therefore very important. It gives new potential players a chance to check out the mod, and could help add to our numbers.

As it stands now, that will be the last Funday before the start of campaign #2. Next Sunday is the opening scrim, so don't wait, get signed up now.

Thanks for the great Funday & hope to see everyone on an army next Sunday.


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